My Albums

Read more about my albums and listen to sample music by clicking below on either the album's cover or title.

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Ablaze

Wisdom Ablaze

Read about the album and listen to samples of Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth

Heart of Sky/
Heart of Earth

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved

The Beloved

Read about the album and listen to samples of Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Mayan Dream/
Dancers of Flame

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Journey of Joy

Journey of Joy

Read about the album and listen to samples of Healing Music

Healing Music

Read about the album and listen to samples of Emergence


Read about the album and listen to samples of Mystical Rose

Mystical Rose

Read about the album and listen to samples of Vida


Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved Special Edition

The Beloved
Special Edition

Read about the album and listen to samples of Ancient/Future Symphony


Read about the album and listen to samples of Radiance


Read about the album and listen to samples of A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of
Life and Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of A Deepening in Love

Deepening in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Enters the World in Love

Wisdom Enters World in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Deep Snowy Night: A Celebration of the Return of Light

Deep Snowy Night

Earth Essence

Earth Essence Music

Music by Beverly Rieger.

Earth Essence Music is an series of pieces of music, written between September 2007 and January 2008, that celebrates the beauty and energy of Mother Earth.
Enjoy this gift!

This music is offered to you as an MP3 file free of charge. Download each link from my website onto your computer and play.

You may also burn a CD for your use. Please don't sell this music to others. It is under copyright protection and is the sole property of Mayan Dream Productions, Int'l.

Jaguar (5 minutes)

Jaguar: This powerful animal is symbol for the velvety black cave that we enter every time we go into meditation. The jaguar is also the symbol for the milky way, our home system. The jaguar prowls in this piece of home in his rain forest habitat. The various instruments sing the jaguar's energy of creativity, of sensuality, of oneness with the Earth.

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Dance of Light (5 minutes)

Dance of Light celebrates the winter solstice with the emergence of new light through the darkness. Beginning with the solstice the Earth experiences an increase in light with every new day. This is our celebration of light in our own lives. We have a choice to be danced by the new light as it emerges from the darkness. Enjoy the funky bass player whose music dances with the music of the electric piano....all dancing with the drums, tambourine, timbales.

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Tree of Light (4:52 minutes)

What does the Christmas Tree mean? It symbolizes strength of roots, and of truck, and the wide spreading of pine branches. The pulse of its life beats strong. It shines with the beautiful lights and various ornaments with which we have decorated it. The Christmas Tree symbolizes joy, beauty, our connection with one another and new birth every year of the Source of Light. Happy Holidays!

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Deep Snowy Night (4:32 minutes)

Last night the snow began to fall through a dark, quiet night. The the beauty of white began to cover the ground and to layer everything else with a new, clean, glowing coat. The silence was profound. The beauty was incredible. Heaven touched Earth.

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Spider Woman (5:06 minutes)

In the western world we have been raised to fear spiders. However, throughout the world in indigenous cultures Spider Woman is celebrated as generative force. She spins the web of life. She sits at the center of the web with her sense tuned to every part of the world. She gives life and takes life away. The cycle of life that is death and rebirth is in her web

Drums, thunder, rain, gong, active flute describe this active, transformative aspect of the spider woman archetype.

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Dusk (5:41 minutes)

Remember yourself in a place of comfort and beauty. It is that magical time when the sun has set and darkness is not complete. You are cradled in a lovely soft light and hear the gentle night sounds of frogs peeping, crickets, cicadas. In the profound wisdom of Dusk, your heart opens wide to receive love, wisdom, to begin the rest cycle.

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Soaring Hawk

Soaring High (4:52 minutes)

The hawk screams... answered by another hawk... carried on the wind recorded by Tom... the pulse of the earth drum... the Kurzweil strings evoking the vastness of sky... hawk flying free... open to all potential... hawk as visionary.

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Knower of the Unseen (4:43 minutes)

The wolf is howling to the moon? actually several wolves? with the gong, and the breathe of the Kurzweil wood flute? my drumming? the awesome Kurzweil sound that I call the primordial sea sound? the wolf is running across white with white light surrounding him? snowy plains and the moon. This particular piece of music is the aspect of wolf which lives in the unknown worlds? intuitive? communicator?

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Birds of the Morning (4:40 minutes)

One of the most energizing aspects of recording music has been composing and recording music that dips into the energy and essence of animals. As I sit here writing, I am listening to birdsong of robins, cardinals, mourning dove, red winged blackbirds?.morning song?.recorded by Tom Tempel at his lake house, and placed with the beautiful strings, flute of the Kurzweil.

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