My Albums

Read more about my albums and listen to sample music by clicking below on either the album's cover or title.

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Ablaze

Wisdom Ablaze

Read about the album and listen to samples of Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth

Heart of Sky/
Heart of Earth

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved

The Beloved

Read about the album and listen to samples of Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Mayan Dream/
Dancers of Flame

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Journey of Joy

Journey of Joy

Read about the album and listen to samples of Healing Music

Healing Music

Read about the album and listen to samples of Emergence


Read about the album and listen to samples of Mystical Rose

Mystical Rose

Read about the album and listen to samples of Vida


Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved Special Edition

The Beloved
Special Edition

Read about the album and listen to samples of Ancient/Future Symphony


Read about the album and listen to samples of Radiance


Read about the album and listen to samples of A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of
Life and Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of A Deepening in Love

Deepening in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Enters the World in Love

Wisdom Enters World in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Deep Snowy Night: A Celebration of the Return of Light

Deep Snowy Night

A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of Life and Love

Music by Beverly Rieger.

You can order my music for digital download and streaming through i-tunes and digital sites such as i-tunes, Google Music Store, amazon, spotify, rhapsody and many others.

A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of Life and Love is a gentle and loving celebration of our joyous inner world. This music supports and celebrates life lived fully with joyful creativity and a dancing happiness.... a continuous sunrise of our purpose.

This album is also a culmination work. I hear many themes throughout from albums that I have composed over the years. It's almost like everything is coming together from 20 years of music to create this album. It's a great meditation and slow movement album because every track has an inner stillness, and outer quiet. Almost every track is instrumental music bonded with recorded nature, especially birds of all kinds.

Track 1: At The Cave

In all cultures the cave represents the place of renewal. This music places you in the stream of renewal as everything opens up for you. You are receiving a newness of life in the quiet of the cave.

Track 2: Sunrise

The light begins to emerge as the sun comes up! You will experience bird song from early morning, and the warmth of a wood flute, soft bell melody, and strings. This is gentle awakening into the light which grows the renewal of the cave inside you.

Track 3: Wisdom

Strong wind brings in the vital force of wisdom. Energy! Life! Vitality! Percussion, bird song from Central America, join the wind in supporting your life purpose through the quiet voice of wisdom.

Track 4: Dancing in Lightness of Spirit

How could a person not be happy with the sunrise of new light, the renewal of the cave and wisdom in their daily life! Dance in the Spring rain, with lightness and celebration to the pan flute, claves, macaws and other forest birds in Honduras.

Track 5: Sacred Voice

A solo violin introduces a beautiful melody. This melody is joined by strings in a simple harmony of love. This track is all about being loved... receiving love... and giving love. The melody is the song of love.

Track 6: Woven in Gentleness

Renewal, light, wisdom, happiness, love... all weave your body , mind, emotions and spirit into a gentleness, a kindness, and a life lived in peace. The bubbling water and birds are from Copan in Honduras, and also Salamonie State Forest three Falls in the early morning in late winter.

Track 7: A Gentle Touch

A solo piano touches you with a gentle melody and harmony... supporting your wonderful life purpose with love.

Listen to samples of A Celebration of Life and Love

Listen to a sample of At The Cave
 At The Cave
Listen to a sample of Sunrise
Listen to a sample of Wisdom
Listen to a sample of Dancing in Lightness of Spirit
 Dancing in Lightness of Spirit
Listen to a sample of Sacred Voice
 Sacred Voice
Listen to a sample of Woven in Gentleness
 Woven in Gentleness
Listen to a sample of A Gentle Touch
 A Gentle Touch