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The Beloved
"In all the great spiritual and mystery traditions, the central theme, the guiding passion, is the deep yearning for the Beloved of the soul. This yearning for union with the Beloved lies at the heart of sacred psychology, for it is this profound longing, which transcends the desire for romantic love, the nourishment of parental love, and all the multiple and marvelous varieties of human loving, that calls us to the Source." (Jean Houston, The Search for The Beloved, Chapter 11, page 122)
Jean Houston's powerful words build on the essential truth of our existence. We come from Love and we are creatures of Love in our physical bodies, our mind, and in all of the layers of our spiritual being. All healing is a transformation into union with Love... the Source... The Beloved.
Music is one of the primary languages of Love, and one of the most powerful guides into union with The Beloved. This is the core of the music of The Beloved, and that is why it is so powerful as a healing presence.
However, The Beloved is used worldwide in various places of healing, and for massage therapy and reflexology, natural childbirth, inspiration and support for creative projects such as art, photography, writing...the list goes on. Love is at the center of all aspects of our lives and attunement to love brings us to the wholeness necessary for creativity and for healing. In times of change and journey into and through the unknown, The Beloved music assists us through challenges with hope.
CD Baby Review of The Beloved
Mesmerizing, haunting and beautiful.
This is a phenomenal cd. It's very smooth and yet emotional. This is perfect music to listen to on a beautiful spring morning. The sounds are so smooth and relaxing, it's a must have for any music lover.
Reviewer: P.B. Casey.
Other Praise for The Beloved:
Jean in California says: Beverly, your music is truly special. I've discovered The Beloved brings out creativity in me when I'm working on my writing and web site projects. It's odd, but I can almost feel new connections stirring inside.
Sue in Fort Wayne shared the healing aspects of The Beloved: By the way, Noel is still in a coma at Lutheran Hospical and...his mother told me that each time they play the Beloved for him, his heart rate goes down (they can see it on the monitor).
This is the power of music, and particularly the power of The Beloved music.