My Albums

Read more about my albums and listen to sample music by clicking below on either the album's cover or title.

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Ablaze

Wisdom Ablaze

Read about the album and listen to samples of Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth

Heart of Sky/
Heart of Earth

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved

The Beloved

Read about the album and listen to samples of Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Mayan Dream/
Dancers of Flame

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Journey of Joy

Journey of Joy

Read about the album and listen to samples of Healing Music

Healing Music

Read about the album and listen to samples of Emergence


Read about the album and listen to samples of Mystical Rose

Mystical Rose

Read about the album and listen to samples of Vida


Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved Special Edition

The Beloved
Special Edition

Read about the album and listen to samples of Ancient/Future Symphony


Read about the album and listen to samples of Radiance


Read about the album and listen to samples of A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of
Life and Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of A Deepening in Love

Deepening in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Enters the World in Love

Wisdom Enters World in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Deep Snowy Night: A Celebration of the Return of Light

Deep Snowy Night

Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Original Artwork by Ilene Satala, ©2006.
Music by Beverly Rieger.

You can order my music for digital download and streaming through i-tunes and digital sites such as i-tunes, Google Music Store, amazon, spotify, rhapsody and many others.

Mayan Dream/
Dancers of the Flame

Awakening! Passion! Excitement! This is the energy of music written during one of the most exciting and challenging times of my life. The year was 1987 and I journeyed into the Mayan lands of Mexico for the first time. WOW! Music was awakened inside of me and I began to compose, record and perform music from my own inner world. The album of Mayan Dream emerged . . . and I created music for the first time on the Kurzweil keyboard, expressing with the Kurzweil strings, flute, keyboard, bells the intensity of the energy of the Mayan Lands.

Dancers of the Flame came into being around eight years later. I was exploring an immense cave in the Yucatan Peninsula with a Mayan guide and a group of artists. We were privileged to hear the sound of "tuned" stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave, and see the places where ancient peoples danced the sacred fire of their purpose. You will hear the "om" of creative source, and the sounds of rain stick and ancient conch flute. As always, I bring in the melodies of the dance by playing my beloved Kurzweil keyboard.

New re-edited and remastered.

Listen to samples of Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Listen to a sample of Awakening
Listen to a sample of Danse
Listen to a sample of Indwelling
Listen to a sample of Dancers of the Flame
 Dancers of the Flame