My Albums

Read more about my albums and listen to sample music by clicking below on either the album's cover or title.

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Ablaze

Wisdom Ablaze

Read about the album and listen to samples of Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth

Heart of Sky/
Heart of Earth

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved

The Beloved

Read about the album and listen to samples of Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame

Mayan Dream/
Dancers of Flame

Read about the album and listen to samples of The Journey of Joy

Journey of Joy

Read about the album and listen to samples of Healing Music

Healing Music

Read about the album and listen to samples of Emergence


Read about the album and listen to samples of Mystical Rose

Mystical Rose

Read about the album and listen to samples of Vida


Read about the album and listen to samples of The Beloved Special Edition

The Beloved
Special Edition

Read about the album and listen to samples of Ancient/Future Symphony


Read about the album and listen to samples of Radiance


Read about the album and listen to samples of A Celebration of Life and Love

A Celebration of
Life and Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of A Deepening in Love

Deepening in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Wisdom Enters the World in Love

Wisdom Enters World in Love

Read about the album and listen to samples of Deep Snowy Night: A Celebration of the Return of Light

Deep Snowy Night



Album art by Jamie Rieger ©2010.
Music by Beverly Rieger.

You can order my music for digital download and streaming through i-tunes and digital sites such as i-tunes, Google Music Store, amazon, spotify, rhapsody and many others.


Track 1: Woven in Joy

Track one is called Woven in Joy and this music delights me with it's inner happiness. In August I recorded it as Call To Joy but, as the rest of the music came forward, I realized that there was another level to this music. I threw away all of the original except the tambourine, and recorded Woven in Joy, using the original tambourine track as a base. The final music is so much lighter than the first music. Often this happens as I record... music starts out heavy and moves into lightness. Enjoy the flute and oboe playing with the piano and drum.

Track 2: Deer Spirit

Track two celebrates the Deer Spirit. Again, this music started as another title, but after recording and listening to it for a week, I realized that it was something different and Deer Spirit was born. Through time, this particular music has moved from standing deer, to graceful running deer. Deer always inspire me with their beauty, swiftness, and gentleness. I love their liquid eyes and complete quiet when they watch me. In the tradition of the Maya, the deer communicate from the unseen to the seen world.

Track 3: Chalice

Chalice is the one piece of the Radiance that was recorded almost instantly with no "do-overs". The chalice holds the sacred drink in all cultures and drinking from the chalice provides nournishment. The act of drinking from the chalice is a commitment to living a sacred life.

Track 4: Walking Lightly on the Earth

Walking Lightly on the Earth is track heaviness in my journey. Birdsong introduces the rhythm of walking this life with humor, joy, gracefulness, kindness, and a gentle spirit. The music also honors and respects our Mother Earth as we walk lightly upon her. Editing was an important part of the composing of this music. If any beats were even a little bit off rhythm, they pulled the music down into heaviness. Hmmm....does this have any application in my life?

Track 5: Compassion

Compassion is the central core of radiance and the music of compassion shows me the depth and power of compassion given to me, and expressed in the world to all those who I touch. The cello has a "pulled out and lengthened" version of a melody which comes from one of the songs of the present-day Maya. This particular song is their celebration of Maria...the one who nourishes, heals, cares for us as a mother cares for her child.

Track 6: Abundance

It is so easy to feel the incredible abundance all around me when I take time to be aware and feel it. In the music of track six, Abundance, there is water flowing, ducks and geese and frogs all calling out their unique song and just making happiness for the listener. When I went into the recording studio I knew the title was Abbundance, but thought the music would be much different. However, the softness and calm of this music has shown me that Abundance is gentle and joyful and a fact of life... not something that I somehow have to create.

Track 7: Radiance

The music of Radiance concludes with the Radiance title track. As I recorded I was seeing the beauty of color in spring flowers and autumn trees, and feeling the warmth of sunshine and of moonlight. I was basking in the gentle touch of humid breeze, the wonder of storm, and seeing the deer and hearing the birdsong and water flowing... all expressed as the warmth of Radiance.

Listen to samples of Radiance

Listen to a sample of Woven in Joy
 Woven in Joy
Listen to a sample of Deer Spirit
 Deer Spirit
Listen to a sample of Chalice
Listen to a sample of Walking Lightly on the Earth
 Walking Lightly on the Earth
Listen to a sample of Compassion
Listen to a sample of Abundance
Listen to a sample of Radiance